Day 2 in San Francisco had another inauspicious start,
beginning as it did with our first marital tiff. The contentious issue was what
to do first. Vincent wanted to head back to Fisherman’s Wharf for a boat trip;
I wanted to go on a walking tour of the city. So by 10am sharp, we were
patiently waiting at Union Square for the beginning of a “Wild SF” walking
of the tour took us into an art supplies shop, which seemed a bit random until
we went downstairs to find the entrance to an underground network of tunnels,
used during the 19th century to smuggle illegal items in and out of
the city. These items included people, specifically sailors, who were “Shanghaied”
out of the city, meaning that they were tricked into taking opium, and then
kindnapped when they fell asleep and forced to work on ships leaving for China. I think it's absolutely fascinating that such an extensive network of well engineered tunnels could have existed without the knowledge of city officials.
I was also really pleased to see a quote from Maya Angelou
engraved onto the pavement near these murals. I now know the Maya Angelou was born and grew
up in San Francisco and it’s great to see that the city celebrates her work. I
tried to take a photo of the engraving, but the light wasn’t quite right, so
here is the quote: “Without courage, we cannot practice any other virtue with
You also might have noticed that these pictures seem to have been taken in the sunlight, so where was all the fog I was complaining about last time? Well it turns out that the fog rolls in for the evening and stays over night and into the morning until about 10 or 11am when the sun manages to burn it off. So we did have good Californian weather in San Francisco and here is a picture of us in the sunshine to prove it :-)
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